My son is currently in college and runs cross country for his school. If you remember, I told you that I do a bit of running as well. However, we run in two very different ways. We both participated in a local 5k last year. He finished the entire race in about the same time that I finished my first mile. Ah age . . . It gets us all . . . As does a lack of fitness.
A couple months ago we attended an indoor track meet. He ran a 5k at this meet and as such, had to take like 25 laps around this track! Of course they had helpers counting laps but it was still a lot to keep up with. Unfortunately, after he thought he had finished the race he learned he had one lap to go. Between that and a stumble around one of the turns, he did not get the time he was hoping for.
But his time was far better than I could have done.
However, we’ve learned over the years he does not want to hear ‘You did so much better than I would have’ or ‘I couldn’t have done that’. The reason why is because his goal wasn’t to do ‘better than I would have’.
His goal was based off the standard he had for himself.
And that’s how it should be.
The standard we must have is based on God’s design, not how well we do in comparison to someone else or what culture says. And too often, cultural standards for sex is what we use to judge ourselves.
Culture puts sex on a continuum with some things ‘worse’ than others. If we adhere to this standard, we’ll find ourselves trying to avoid pornography but very much okay with looking up sexualized images on social media.
Here’s the visual: